2015. július 9., csütörtök

Notes of an impostor

"There is this uhm… this expression I’ve heard lately. Actually I’ve read it online. Big surprise there. It’s called impostor syndrome. I have doubts about the things I have achieved and most of the time I believe I cheated, that I somehow got away with something bad I did and there is this aching feeling in my stomach that one day all of this will come back to me and someone will point a finger to me and express me to a wide, previously naive audience who will then realise I have fooled them. Not sure about what, rather about everything. Fooled them about accomplishments, about skills, and competence, that I misguided them and despite what they think and witnessed, I have got nothing to do with the fact that I got here."

"What made you express this fear?"

"It’s easy. My thesis, and my final exam. I am now a master of communication, with rather bright colours. I got two 5s for my thesis. Everybody loved it. Universal acclaim. My consultant wants me to go for a phd later. My opposing teacher was someone who actually gave me a 1 during a previous semester. Couldn’t manipulate him back then, could fool him now in terms of the now detailed complex, as he gave me not just a 5, but 50 out of 50 points."

"What makes you think you fooled them?"

This is where it get’s interesting, because first I thought that I fooled them because all I ever did was reading one good book, and reading it again, and making notes, and using the authors notes, but then I realised that this isn’t cheating, this was part of the job, I did what I had to do.

"And despite accepting this you still consider yourself a fraud?"

"Yes. Can’t escape this fear in which someone approaches me and asks some fundamental questions about the basics of the academic discipline that I am supposed to be a master at! In this scenario, which isn’t quite so unlikely, I can’t answer the questions. None of them. I don’t know shit, and I want to teach later. Wouldn’t that be epic?"

"Would it?"

"Yes! It would be! The very rare occasion when I feel alive is when I feel other people alive and there is only two way I can do that."

"What are those?"

"Making love and inspire."

"How does inspire make you feel alive?"

"Stimulating one’s mind is something that the physical world itself cannot do. Tap into someone’s soul is magical, inspiring them to do something is a wonder. The universe in itself goes for entropy and life’s answer for entropy is inspiration."

"Or manipulation?"

"Manipulation is going sideways, changing for another route, lane, more comfortable for one’s needs. Inspiration is going forward, cheating is going backwards. Cheating is destructive, such as lies, whereas inspiration is crafting. I want to be a craftsman, but I fear I only dismantle."

"Do you fear that the things you achieve will be destructive once they realise that they are built upon lies?"


"Your thesis, for example. If you tell someone that you have read only one book, will it diminish the inspirations if there was any? Will it go to a waste?"

"Will it not?"

"Seeds don’t think about the planter once they start to grow. All they want is to get bigger."

"Can manipulation or cheating compromise them? Can it make them corrupt?"

"Is there a real case of manipulations and lying and cheating which we need to consider?"

"The problem is, avoiding the question and desperately grasping into this dilemma is that I have no idea what other people really do and think. There is this world in all of them and I cannot hope to understand them. All I ever do is tap onto their projected feelings, making a connection with the portrait they are trying to put forward, making it real, and all I ever find are half finished products, ready to be presented to the same audience that I struggle with.  I wish there was this universal map, this scale with all the souls on it, in relevance to one another so that I could evaluate my own habits, and thoughts and achievements."

"Such a scale is as unrealistic as a truly objective truth about something. You cannot hope to understand someone else’s world to the core. It would kill the magic, the wonder that you hold so dear."

"You are saying that things are unknowable by nature?"

"Human things are."

"Well then, my cheating will be well hidden as well, in which case I am in secure in terms of fraud. Wich leaves us with the other issue."

"Which is?"

